I recently acquired 2 Italian Thompson manuals which have not been previously documented.
They are essentially the same, but printed with different color covers. Both are Italian versions
of the British Small Arms Training, Volume I, Pamphlet No. 21, dated 1942, titled "The
Thompson Machine Carbine." The blue colored Italian Thompson manual has a 1942 date,
with a 1945 print date, and it indicates it was printed in Rome. The second, red colored manual
has a print date of April 1946.
My best guess is that these manuals represent training material for a new army or police force
after Italy fell to the allies. Such forces were probably supplied with Thompsons.
If anyone is familiar with these manuals, or knows more information regarding their history,
please contact me through the club. Discovering items like these makes the history of the
Thompson all that more intriguing.