As many as fifty aimed shots can be easily fired in thirty
seconds by pulling the trigger separately for each aimed shot. The single
aimed shot method of firing, i.e. semi-automatically, is as a rule
sufficient for any and all protective purposes of police, guards. sheriffs
etc. However, should it be desired in dire emergency, the gun may be fired
full automatically, i.e. like a machine gun, by merely turning over the
fire control lever on the side of the gun. When fired full automatically,
the shooting should be in bursts of a few shots at a time; that is, the
trigger should be pressed for an instant and released each time. This is
called firing by bursts and is an extremely valuable method of shooting
against moving targets. The shooter should bend forward at the waist,
resting his weight on his left foot and push his shoulder into the stock
of the gun at the instant of pulling the trigger. We do not recommend full
automatic fire for police at ranges over fifty to seventy-five yards. Use
only 230 grain caliber .45 automatic pistol type cartridges of standard
make. The birdshot cartridges used in the Thompson gun contain 120 number
8 birdshot. They do not necessarily cause mortality and allow officers of
the law to handle certain Special cases in the most humane manner
It will be found that the possession of a Thompson gun to give demonstrations is essential in promoting sales. A good single demonstration with the Thompson Anti-bandit Gun staged for your local police, chief, sheriff and commissioners will be more convincing than any number of written pages of literature or talks by your salesmen. The gun speaks eloquently for itself by actual performance. The following. is a partial list of those using Thompson guns: Representative Police Departments Birmingham, Alabama, New Orleans, La., Cleveland, Ohio, Denver Colorado, Detroit, Mich., Sari Francisco, Calif., New York City. Representative Banks First National, Tampa, Fl, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Omaha, Nebr., First National, Chicago, Ill, Guaranty Trust Co., New York City, Illinois Merchants Trust, Chicago, Ill. Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis, Minn., First National, Princeton, Ky. Farmers National, Canfield, Ohio, Federal Reserve Bank, New York City, Stockyards National, Fort Worth, Texas Representative' Industrial Concerns Baldwin Locomotive Works, Royal Typewriter Co., Brady Warner Coal Corp., Mallinckrodt Chemical Co., Anaconda Mines, Sunlight Mining Co., Amalgamated Silk Corp., Carnegie Steel Co., Bituminous Coal Co., Page Dairy Co. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. Representative Jails and Penitentiaries Colorado State Penitentiary, Canon City, Colo., Montana State Prison, Deer Lodge, Mont. Florida State Farm, Raiford, Florida, Auburn State Prison, Auburn, N.Y., State Prison, Jefferson City, Mo., Clinton Prison, Dannemora, N.Y., Nevada State Penitentiary, Carson City, Nevada. Sing Sing Prison, Ossining, N.Y. New Mexico State Penitentiary, Santa Fe; N. Mex., Ohio State Penitentiary, Columbus, Ohio. Detective Agencies E. J. Hargrave Secret Service, Chicago, Ill., S. L.,. Branch, Knoxville, Tenn., W. J. Flynn Detective Agency, N.Y., Baldwin Felts, Bluefield, W. Va.. "THERE 1S NO GETAWAY AGAINST A THOMPSON GUN! E. E. RICHARDSON Maumee, Ohio