Commissioner Foote of Boston says::
Commissioner Mahoney, of Canada, writes us. as- follows:
Chief William J. Flynn, former Chief United States Secret Service:.
Warden Kaiser, of Dannemora Prison (N.Y. State):
For the purpose of guarding property such as mines, banks, large estates, docks, warehouses, etc., the known possession of the Thompson gun constitutes a.. Strong crime deterrent in itself. It is a well-known fact that bandits pick out soft and undefended spots to attack. They are also well acquainted with the effectiveness of the Thompson Anti-bandit Gun, and there is no known record where property being protected by the Thompson Anti-bandit Gun has ever been: successfully attacked. By reason of its great rapidity of fire and large magazine capacity as many as one hundred single aimed shots in a minute can be fired by a guard or watchman. This is equivalent to the fire effect of many more men equipped with older type weapons. The large caliber .45 bullet has a tremendous shock effect, and a man hit by such a bullet is immediately dropped or put out of action. Pistol bullets are used in the Thompson gun, but being of such large caliber they are as effective as the smaller higher powered rifle bullets. The pistol cartridges-fired in the Thompson gun are of low velocity and, therefore, do not allow of the great penetration and consequent danger of damage to bystanders and property, as would be the case with a high powered rifle cartridge. There is also used in the Thompson a birdshot cartridge, containing 108 birdshot of small size. The shot cartridges do not necessarily cause mortality but are very useful to authorities in dealing out a lesser degree of punishment than do the steel jacketed. bullet cartridges. Being aimed from the shoulder, the Thompson is much more accurate than a pistol fired by the extended arm. Any one at all acquainted with firearms can easily learn to shoot the Thompson gun many times more accurately than an expert pistol shot with years of training, and at a much longer range.: Up to one hundred yards, it is possible to place one hundred single aimed shots in a target 20 x 20" square in less than a minute, In cases of dire emergency, the full automatic feature of, the Thompson can be used on short notice by simply turning a lever. The gun will then fire like a machine gun and is very easily controlled.. The muzzle is prevented from rising by use of the recent invention known as the Cutts Compensator, which prevents this tendency in full automatic fire to a degree never before realized. Firing full automatically, fifty shots can be placed with but little training in a square 36 x 36" at seventy-five yards in ten seconds. |