With the set up complete the team poses for pictures. John Boyce, Thomas K. Davis Jr, Roger Herbst, Edward
Andree, Ron Brock, David R. Albert, Kelly Brock, (front row) Tracie Hill, Robert Stegemiller, MD, Phil Askew,
Thomas Hill, Kurt Rostetter, Robert Raker, MD. (not shown but important members) Lt. Michael Kline, Chuck
Schauer, Travis Tichenor, Tyrone G. Blaskovich and Richard Vensil.
Serial number 7580 - This gun had it's serial number ground off. However, Goddard was able
to raise the numbers with acid.
This gun was awarded a Silver Medal (highest award possible) for one of the top eleven guns at
the convention. These guns set a new standard for excellence. It was the first time in history that
ALL eleven judges picked the same gun for medals on the first ballot.